Podiatry and Chiropody treatments in Luton

At Johnston's Chiropodists and Podiatrists, we offer a wide range of podiatry and chiropody treatments at affordable prices. Contact us for heel pain treatment and nail surgery.


Do I need a doctor's referral? 
No, but a doctor may refer you for a treatment. 
Will my private health insurance cover me for treatment? 
Some firms such as Simply Health will pay half of the treatment cost. (see link) 
Do I need to schedule an appointment? 
Yes, but we would normally be able to offer an appointment within a few days subject to your availability. 

How are your instruments cleaned prior to use? 
They are manually cleaned then autoclaved (sterilised by heat and pressure) using our up-to-date equipment. 
What is the difference between a chiropodist and podiatrist? 
None at all, podiatrist is the more modern name. 
Is a foot health practitioner a podiatrist or chiropodist? 
No! For more information go to www.podiatrypages.co.uk/faq.htm 

What do the letters that podiatrists use mean?  
DPodM or BSc (Podiatry) - This signifies that the podiatrist has completed a full training course in podiatry at an approved institution. Originally this course was a diploma in podiatric medicine - DPodM but was later changed to a degree course - BSc. NB:DipPodMed is not the same as DPodM. 
SRCh - State Registered Chiropodist. Since July the 9th 2003 this title is defunct though is likely to be used by many podiatrists for the time being, as it may still be expected by the general public as a sign that the podiatrist is fully qualified. The current form of registration with the state is given by the new Health Professions Council ( for more information go to above link) 
MChS or FChS - This means that the podiatrist is a member or fellow of The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists. A practising member of this society is assured of having professional indemnity insurance cover. 

Some podiatrists may have other letters after their name that signify further qualifications, such as F.C.Pod(S) for surgery, but the above letters are important to know about when seeking treatment for the majority of ailments.
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For professional podiatry services in Luton, get in touch with us. Call us on 01582 731 033
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