Biomechanical Assessment

Biomechanical assessment
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If you have pain in your back, hips and knees, your feet could be the cause. A biomechanical assessment & treatment could assist you in the long term.

Our podiatrists will use an array of equipment to identify any Issue and then offer treatment.

Common foot problems we can help with:

  • Heel Pain
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Planter Fasciitis
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Knee, Hip & Back pain
  • Flat Feet
  • Leg length difference
  • Foot pain
  • Excessive Pronation
  • Supination
  • Some foot Lesions
Please Note:

When attending a Biomechanical Assessment please wear shorts
and bring a selection of your shoes you often use.
relief from bunion pain
relief from bunion pain

Podo Smart System

Podo Smart system is a method of producing semi-bespoke
insoles to assist in your foot correction.
This equipment is cutting edge technology and we are pleased to be able to offer this to our clients. 

PODOSmart® is a solution using artificial intelligence algorithms that allows paramedical professionals to accurately analyse the patient’s gait and refine their diagnosis with 13 biomechanical data.
PODOSmart® also detects mobility disorders such as limping or abnormal changes in prono-supination angles in less than 30 seconds. PODOSmart® is a CE certified solution recognized as a medical device.

Diagnostic Plate

This is a device that we may also use to identify and analyse the foot 
structure, how your weight bares and to assess your gait pattern identifying any abnormalities.

By simply standing on the plate the machine measures and displays your weight-bearing load transferring this information to the computer screen.

We can normally provide you with this print out should it be required.

About diagnostic plate

Dependent on the readout from the diagnostic plate our podiatrist can then make an assessment and discuss with you a course of treatment that may include insoles
and other treatments that we can provide such as shockwave, ultrasound, taping, massage, mobilisation and exercise regimes.

If you have pain in your back, hips or knees, your feet could be the cause. A Biomechanical assessment and treatment programme could assist you in the long term.
For more information about biomechanical assessment, call us on 01582 731 033
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